It's estimated that the average adult makes about 35,000 decisions each & every day. Some of those decisions are inevitably “right” & some “wrong”. So how can we do less so that we do more things “right” & avoid doing too much so that we don't do too many things “wrong”?
Most of us know who we are, where we are going & what we need to do, yet all of us get side-tracked & take our focus away from the things that truly matter. In this minefield of choice, it is no surprise that our minds like to choose the well-worn path & that breaking habits can make us feel lost.
But if we embrace our real goals, the goals that align with our values, rather than the goals the world imposes on us, then our choices come from deep within & we feel good. When we know who we truly are & what we believe, the “right” choices are easier to make.

We simply can't decide or do everything alone. When we surround ourselves with the right people, a trusted inner circle of close connections who can help, support & love us, we absorb wisdom from our allies, friends, mentors & sages & our choices feel smarter, kinder & better.

#beinghuman #connections #people


