In life we usually prefer the real thing over the artificial be it sweeteners, flowers or people so when it comes to intelligence does it really make sense for the human race to embrace the artificial over our natural & innate intelligence?
AI is a complex, evolving set of algorithms designed, tried & tested by commercial entities made up of predominately young white male programmers & their older white, male bosses who are driven, mostly, by power & profit. AI is a tool to change human behaviour, a tool to curate our digital lives giving each and every one of us a unique digital view of our world. That view is designed to make us feel we are safe yet also just uneasy, unhappy & unaware enough to ensure we do exactly what those companies want us to do.
Pay attention to our screens, constantly.
AI is rarely created to better you, your family, friends, colleagues, or your society. AI is rarely a tool to protect diversity, species, the environment, the earth, or the heavens. AI is a complicated, endless myriad of mini, personalised experiments designed to ensure we, AI’s lab rats, keep generating data & buying product, digital or physical.
We have moved from a tool-based tech society to an addiction & manipulation-based tech society where human psychology, developed over millions of years to create cohesion & community, a basic human need to connect & be rewarded by dopamine is used against us… users…
& remember only two industries call their customers... users….
We have evolved to care about what people in our tribe think about us but when our tribe is digital & we are regularly dosed with likes, hearts & thumbs up we lose true, deep, real connection.
The artificial impacts real people, real thoughts, real actions, real relationships & real lives without us really noticing as tech companies exploit this psychological vulnerability & our dopamine addiction reaps a money harvest.
There is nothing artificial about this real experiment with 5 billion human lab rats. As Gen Z come of age, the first generation to have grown up in a digital world, we are seeing more depression, anxiety, self-harm & suicide than ever before.
From the 1960s to today processing power has risen a trillion times. Our brains, humanity’s hardware can simply not evolve fast enough to catch up with that. Yet there is still hope as our hearts, our bodies, & our senses have innate, natural intelligence & like any user we can all stop using & recover.

#ai #data #beinghuman


