We can us our minds to destroy humanity, the planet & our lives or we can use our minds to know our true nature & enhance humanity, the planet & our lives.

We can become aware of what we are thinking, what we are feeling & what we are doing, then turn this awareness toward awareness itself. We can explore how our mind creates our reality & is the root of everything that we experience.

Many of us may have glimpsed this nature of mind, in a moment of deep relaxation, meditation, presence… maybe whilst in nature, after exercise, holding a baby, petting a dog or just randomly on the bus …. an open, ungraspable moment when our minds radiate. If we recognise the preciousness of these moments we can become more aware & trust that state is actually always possible.

Our body, our emotions & our experiences seem solid, but if we deeply examine them, we don’t find solidity but a space where everything, emotions & experiences, arises. This helps us not get to attached to our emotions or experiences, good or bad. When we develop this equanimity, we start to understand the quality of our mind & its natural, luminous, clear nature. Then we suffer less, have more compassion for ourselves & others & unlock our true nature which is basically good.

Our minds naturally experience our thoughts, emotions & life, we do not have to stress or force this. We can relax into our life & our experiences, thinking or not thinking, emotions or no emotions… it does not matter to our mind as our mind is aware no matter what is going on.

Space & the luminous nature of our mind are united, inseparable & the basis for everything we think, feel, see or hear. All that we experience, emotions, thoughts all are manifestations of our mind, manifestations that come & go.

When we do not recognize our true nature, we perceive dualistically, ignorantly & do not see things as they truly are & so create endless suffering for ourselves and others by our likes & dislikes, by them & us, by wanting to be there when we are here.

But when we maintain awareness of our true nature at all times, we can bring it into our life walking, talking, eating, dreaming, no matter what we feel or experience.

#beinghuman #experience #mindfulness


