Today I am honored to have been invited to attend, Innovators of the Future- #CrackingTheCode at the Roundhouse in London.

The UN Women event is to discuss the digital challenges we women face as the digital gender gap grows. Globally only 63% of women have internet access compared to 69% of men.

Across all areas of digital technology, women and girls remain under-represented, from coding and creating, to accessing services, and drafting regulations and policy. This disparity comes at a considerable cost: UN Women that, if the digital exclusion ended $1 trillion could be added to the GDP of low & middle-income countries.
Women & girls are often put off by an actively hostile environment in the sector; on average, women are paid 21% less than men, they face considerably lower rates of promotion & nearly half report workplace harassment.

I am passionate about inclusion, equality & social justice for women & despite resistance from men in power to my latest project TIME, am using my Createch skills to do what I can to help.

We are looking for female ambassadors for TIME, to help us test v2.0 of the TIME app & spread the word. Creative women who care, connect & DM me if you want to get involved.

#unwomenuk #unwomen #beinghuman


